

research suggests a third of us collect something. numerous psychologists have attempted to explain why we’re motivated to build collections. traditional theories range from our need to satisfy our innate ‘hunter-gatherer’ fix, to soothing childhood trauma associated with toilet training

however, more recent research suggests collecting has psychological benefits:

• collecting is viewed as a hobby, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety

• finding a rare piece stimulates the pleasure centre in our brain, meaning we feel a sense of pleasure when we find something unique

• building a collection requires knowledge, determination and discipline, so finding a piece creates a sense of intellectual satisfaction

• the pleasure centre is most active when we anticipate reward (rather than when we receive it), so the search itself is viewed as pleasurable

• displaying and viewing our collections increases dopamine levels, making us feel happy and satisfied. this response perpetuates the cycle, encouraging us to search for another piece for the collection, to increase dopamine levels in the future 


the colour orange


bargain hunting