plants to improve brain function


research consistently demonstrates that plants have a positive impact on cognitive functions. research by the university of exeter found that indoor plants can increase productivity by up to 47%. additionally, the university of michigan concluded that spending time around plants can increase memory retention by up to 20%. in periods of high stress, like exam season, plants can help to lower stress, boost mood and even improve physical health

3 plants to keep in your work space:

• monstera plant: ideal for intense workloads and upcoming deadlines. according to NASA, monsteras purify air quality, and have been demonstrated to lower stress levels and improve relaxation

• pothos plant: ideal for stressful work and heavy screen time. one study found participants reported feeling less stressed when they rubbed pothos leaves (even when they couldn’t see the actual plant). in addition, pothos also purifies air quality and has antibacterial qualities, which is believed to help to alleviate eye irritation caused by screen time

• rosemary: ideal for boosting the immune system. stress increases the release of the hormone cortisol, which lowers the immune system, and increases the chances of getting sick. research shows inhaling rosemary, even in the form of essential oil, lowers cortisol levels. in addition, rosemary is demonstrated to improve overall mood


fresh flowers


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